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5 Tips to Help Cool Down Your Dog

Written by Lindsey Sjouwerman, Marketing Coordinator, Speedpro Imaging
We survive the heat, so why can’t they? The fact is that heat is extremely detrimental to a dog’s healthyoung or old. It’s not the heat per se that will affect a young dog; it is more likely the overexertion due to puppy power. As for old dogs, it’s temperature: the heat gets harder and harder to handle as one ages, even for humans.

Mumford the Great Dane stays cool in a Cool Coat
(available through www.mustluvdogs.ca).

As pet owners, we need to be well prepared and informed about how our animals respond to the heat. Each dog is different and requires unique attention. Below I share some of the tricks that have kept my dogs cool in the summer and that ensure they stay hydrated.
1. This is by far the funniest to watchentertainment for you and a refreshing game for your pooch. Freeze a bowl of water with some of their favourite toys inside. The toys create a desire to lick the ice until they’re free.
2. Dog pools are a great way to cool down and have some splashing good fun—for young or old. The pools are shallow enough that dogs can lie down and rest their heads on the ledge.
3. Trim excess hairespecially if your furry friends are seriously hairy. Some dog breeds aren’t supposed to be shaved, so do your research. A haircut will be glorious for your four-legged friend!
4. Cool eats. There are some fruits and vegetables dogs can safely eat and that can be served cold. My pooch absolutely loves apples. The more the betterhe eats the whole thing, seeds and all. Feeding dogs cold fruits and veggies helps cool them down internally, while also giving them some energy if they haven’t eaten because of the intense heat.

5. Cooling blankets are another great idea for all dogs, especially for dogs that have skin issueslike hot spots. Cooling blankets are dampened wraps that you put on your dog. Although the fabric is damp, the dog doesn’t get wet. They work by evaporation, bringing down the external temperature of the dog, often by 15-20 degrees. Check out the website to learn how a Cool Coat is effective for your dog.

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